With the temperatures rising, swelling can be problematic for lots of pregnant women. Knuckles and ankles bones seem to disappear as the body holds on to more and more fluid. […]
We hear about yoga seemingly everywhere these days. The same can be said for essential oils. Both are becoming SO popular. This is because they are BOTH awesome, and when […]
Pubic Symphysis Dysfuction (PSD), sometimes referred to as Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP) occurs when the two halves of the pelvis become misaligned. This happens because the hormones of pregnancy loosen […]
After creating the post about Prenatal Yoga poses, my students keep asking for a similar post with the yoga moves that we typically do in the mom and baby yoga […]
How old does baby have to be? The class is for babies 6 weeks through to crawling. Honestly the babies could start right away. Moms generally need those first six […]
In my prenatal yoga class, I am often asked if there are specific yoga postures that would be good to do use during labour. The answer is a resounding yes. […]
I wish that no one needed this post. Varicosities or varicose veins are bad enough when they happen on your legs. They suck even more when they happen in your […]
When you are pregnant, sometimes it can feel like there just isn’t enough room inside for the both of you. These yoga stretches will help to create space inside your […]
Life has its inevitable ups and downs. In yoga this energy movement is called Pranic (yang) and Aponic (yin). The pranic pattern is like the inhale, it’s invigorating and […]
Ok I know it’s an ad, but it totally made me smile. Perhaps this is what our mom and baby yoga classes could be like if I let Markus teach […]