Time and time again as HypnoBirthing Educators, we meet babies born using the HypnoBirthing method who are alert, calm, and content from the moment they are born. Even in cases where the birth didn’t go according to plan, these babies seem to be well-adjusted and ready to embrace life on the outside.
A short online survey gathered information about 113 children, 72 of whom were born using HypnoBirthing, and 41 who were not. The survey was shared by HBCEs online using social media. Parents were invited to respond in respect to each of their children.
The research confirmed exactly what we knew about HypnoBirthing babies; they are more likely to be calm (92% vs. 78% of the other babies), content (78% vs. 63%), alert (99% vs. 85%) and happy babies (92% vs. 78%). Their parents are also more likely to describe them as good sleepers (71% vs. 54%) and easy babies (83% vs. 61%).
These same traits were also apparent in older children. The children born using HypnoBirthing were more often described as content (83% vs. 63%), happy (97% vs. 83%), and calm (70% vs. 57%), as well as less fussy (8% vs. 23%).
The majority of the HypnoBirthing parents who responded to the survey did feel that HypnoBirthing had influenced their child’s temperament.
There were numerous accounts of babies that entered the world calm and alert and remained that way.
“I am 100% certain that Grace’s acute perception, rapid language development and extremely kind and sociable demeanour are all related to the calm, natural HypnoBirth that she experienced. You could tell she was “with” us from the very moment she was born.”
“From the moment my daughter was born, and still at four yrs old, she has been gentle and soft. She was an easy content baby and still is.”
“When he was born, he was put onto my chest and stared straight into my eyes. He never cried, he was so alert yet so calm. I strongly believe that HypnoBirthing had a great deal to do with that!!”
The full report is available at: http://www.envisagehypnobirthing.co.nz/2014/09/18/benefits-hypnobirthing/
Deep Gratitude to Esther Croft for compiling this research!