It’s all about me! And that’s ok… at least once a month anyways

The quest for balance as a mom isn’t something that I find very easy. Usually in an attempt to meet everyone needs, I end up ignoring my own. I forget to nurture myself. This is not a very good recipe for a happy, healthy family.Β  I once read a t-shirt that declared… if the mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy. To large extend I think that’s true. As a mom, our mood sets the emotional climate for the whole household. And what I’ve noticed is that when I spend too much time focusing on everything else, the kids, the house, work, my hubby… then I deplete my own stores and I end up feeling like I have nothing more to give.

So I decided as my new year’s resolution, that at least once a month I’m going to make at least one decision that puts me first. That lets it be all about me for a change.

The January decision : Return to Belly Dancing. I love belly dancing. It’s fun. It makes me smile. A lot. I really enjoy the company of my fellow dancers. I love my teacher. I love the costumes. I love the way I can move my body. I love how it makes me feel.

“Just look at how happy I am dancing.”Just look at how happy dancing makes me.

I haven’t bellydanced in far too many months. I miss it. So I decided to go back. This means that I will have to change the time of my prenatal yoga class back to Friday nights. The prenatal yoga was scheduled at the same time as dancing on Thursdays. This means I might lose a few students, but I’m hoping that everyone understands.

As for the decisions in the coming months… I will keep you post.

And I leave you with this question… this month, what did you do for you?

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